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Chobani is CFIC’s 2024 Outstanding Supplier of the Year!

At the 20th Annual CFIC Convention, CFIC President Gene Faller announced Chobani as the council’s 2024 Outstanding Supplier of the Year. CFIC’s retail members nominate and select the outstanding supplier based upon excellence in innovation, customer service, and involvement with CFIC. Chobani has been a supporter of CFIC since 2012.

Gene Faller presented the award to Chobani’s Erik Tonne, Senior Regional Business Manager, who also supplied the answers to the following questions.

What trends are you seeing in the marketplace?

Nationally and throughout the Carolinas, continued economic pressures are driving change in the way some consumers are purchasing and how and where they shop.

We are seeing consumers shifting to value brands and outlets, while promotions and digital/loyalty programs gain in prominence, leading to an increased importance of brand value, omni and revenue management capabilities.

Dairy categories that address consumers’ desire for protein, portability, pack size variety, clean labels, and flavor are winning, which has led to Chobani’s rapid growth in the fast-growing category.

Chobani’s ability to meet consumers where they are with products and promotions that meet their evolving needs has led to Chobani being the #1 yogurt brand driving growth in the dairy aisle and #6 manufacturer driving growth across total store. Within the categories in which Chobani plays, it is the #1 dollar sales driver of yogurt and the fastest growing major creamer brand.

Tell us about the company’s history and legacy and how that shaped how the company does business today.

Since day one, Chobani’s mission has been making good food for more people while supporting the communities in which we operate – and since our founding back in 2005, we’ve been doing just that. Chobani’s employees are the backbone of the business, and we strive to make sure each and every one of them feel cared for and invested in. That doesn’t stop with our employees, we are committed to the communities in which they live in and where our plants operate. As part of our mission, we invest in the local community by partnering with local foodbanks, pantries and many other organizations to ensure the community has access to good nutritious food.

Out of all Chobani’s products which ones do you find to be most popular in the Carolinas? How does that compare with national trends? 

Overall, the Chobani portfolio over-indexes across the Carolinas.  We’ve also seen our Zero Sugar Platform, Dairy Creamer mix of flavors and portable Drinks business perform well throughout the Carolinas.

Criteria for the CFIC Supplier of the Year include consistent and responsive customer service, and innovation. Does Chobani have core principles that are integrated into your corporate culture to address these?

Yes, Chobani was founded on the mission of making good food for more people and this is instilled in everything that we do, including our work with our customers. We are constantly focused on creating food that is better for you, more nutritious and more accessible, and we are constantly working with our customers to ensure we are delivering on these values.

Does Chobani have any charitable causes on which you focus or are there key communities you serve?

Yes, Chobani is hyper focused on eliminating hunger in the communities in which we operate. Central New York and Twin Falls, Idaho are home to a significant number of our employees, and we are committed to giving back to these communities.

As a long-standing member and supporter of CFIC, what would you say to other suppliers that are not involved with CFIC to encourage them to join and participate?

CFIC offers multiple forums to showcase your brand to all throughout our region and network with key stakeholders at CPG/Retailers.  In addition, the organization offers an opportunity to hear from key retailers across the Carolinas to learn of key initiatives each retailer is working towards. Lastly, their Family Friendly summer conference and annual November golf outing are great ways to enhance relationships across our industry.

What advice would you give to a young person interested in entering the retail food industry?

The food industry offers a fast-paced progressive atmosphere that celebrates entrepreneurship in addition to the most iconic brands within consumer-packaged goods.  Regardless of your personality and/or area of strength, the industry provides an avenue for your skills to shine.  My advice to someone looking to enter or beginning their journey within the industry would be:

  1. Passion sells! Representing brands that inspire you makes work more enjoyable
  2. Network: identify people who are willing to invest in your development and inspire you to be your best
  3. Be a Sponge: Listen and apply key learnings to enhance your skillset
  4. Ask questions: the only way to learn something new is to ask someone who has experience
  5. Have a Vision: Envision where you want your career to be in 3-5 years but be flexible in how you get there!
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