CFIC is your voice on state legislative issues in Raleigh and Columbia.
CFIC’s government relations teams work with lawmakers and their staffs, other advocacy groups and state regulators to find practical solutions for issues affecting the grocery industry. CFIC organizes grassroots lobbying and works to ensure passage of positive legislation and the defeat of laws that impede retail store operations. Not only that, CFIC keeps members informed in a way that is understandable, timely and useful.
CFIC aggressively promotes and protects the legislative and regulatory interests of the retail food industry on issues such as:
Food Safety
Loss Prevention
Tort Reform
Workers’ Compensation
North Carolina General Assembly
The North Carolina General Assembly convenes its biennial session in January of odd years. Unlike many state legislatures, North Carolina does not have set session limits but always sets a goal of adjourning around the start of the state’s Fiscal Year on July 1. The General Assembly reconvenes in May of even years to make adjustments to the state budget. Upon adjournment, House and Senate members return to their districts to campaign for reelection in November of even years. All 50 members of the North Carolina Senate and all 120 members of the North Carolina House of Representatives stand for reelection every two years. There are no term limits.
South Carolina General Assembly
The South Carolina House and Senate also convenes its biennial session in January of even years. Unlike its neighbor to the north, South Carolina’s General Assembly adjourns sine die in mid-May. The General Assembly convenes again in January of odd years and adjourns again in mid-May. Members of the 124-person House of Representatives stand for reelection every two years, however the 46 members of the South Carolina Senate serve four-year terms. There are no term limits.